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Volunteer Application ANIMAL CARE

 Thank you for choosing Wolf Run! This is your first big step in joining the pack!

Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge Volunteer Application

Name: Date: 18or older? Y/N
Birth date:


Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Emergency Contact Person: Relationship:
Phone Number:


Are you applying for a volunteer position?            Internship?


What do you hope to gain from your animal care position? We know this is vast but you may

want to lose weight, enjoy the outdoors more, or looking for a bit more joy in life? What's your angle?


We require a minimum of three hours per week of your time. Are you able to do this?




What's your super power? Come on! We know you've got one! What do you enjoy doing?



Do you have any physical limitations (if so, list)? We really don't want you to lift if your back in bad shape!



Do you take any medications that your pack should know about? (Insulin, wasp/bee allergies)




Do you have any public speaking skills? So how would you feel about doing educational programs? 




Random questions:

Any social media experience?

How about website design?

Any good at managing groups of people? 

Do you like to get out and do tabling events? Like set up for events and sell things for the animals?







Please read this document (the "Waiver Agreement") carefully before signing. This waiver agreement will affect your legal rights and will limit or eliminate your ability to bring a future lawsuit.
I understand and acknowledge that I am legally agreeing to the statements in the following paragraphs of this Waiver Agreement by affixing my signature below and that these statements are being accepted by Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge (hereinafter WRWR) in consideration for permitting me to participate in the activities at WRWR, and I further understand that my signature upon this Waiver Agreement is being relied upon by the sponsors, organizers, administrators, volunteers, and other parties defined as the "Released Parties."
1. I acknowledge that WRWR is a wildlife facility dedicated to the care, treatment, well-being, and general healthcare of both domestic and wild animals and is an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limits and carries with it the potential for death, serious injury, and property damage. I acknowledge and agree that it is my sole responsibility to determine whether I am sufficiently fit and healthy enough to volunteer or assist in any capacity at WRWR, and that I have conferred with a medical doctor, if need be, who has agreed to my participation at WRWR;
2. On behalf of myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns, and anyone else who attempts to sue on my behalf, I HEREBY WAIVE, RELEASE, and FOREVER DISCHARGE Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge, all sponsors, producers, staff, administrators, officials, contractors, vendors, veterinarians and veterinary staff, volunteers, and organizers, and all other persons or entities involved with WRWR, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the City of Nicholasville, Jessamine County, and other governmental bodies and locales wherein WRWR is located, and the officers, directors, employees, agents, insurers, and representatives of all of the above (collectively, the "Released Parties"), from any and all claims, causes of action, damages, losses (economic and non-economic) and liabilities of every kind (collectively "claims") for death, personal injury, or property damage which may arise out of, result from, or relate to my participation in, or my traveling to or from, any WRWR activity, including but not limited to any claims for theft, damage to any equipment, negligence, partial or permanent disability, claims relating to the provision of first aid, medical care, medical treatment, or medical decisions (by WRWR staff and/or volunteers), and any claims for medical or hospital expenses.
3. I acknowledge and ASSUME ALL OF THE RISKS of feeding, bathing, cleaning, treating, and maintenance of animals, and mowing, weed-eating, general farm care, general labor, general construction, and all other WRWR volunteer tasks, and in any other WRWR event I choose to participate (collectively "risks"). I acknowledge that these risks may include dangerous conditions and exposure to potential physical injury or even death resulting from, among other things, general animal care, falls, contact or encounters with other participants, staff, officials, contractors, vendors, volunteers, spectators, and animals, the effects of weather including heat, cold, and humidity, defective equipment, dangerous conditions on the grounds, and other man made and natural hazards. By signing below, I understand that I will be participating in all aspects of WRWR at my own risk, that ultimately my responsibility to risk participation at WRWR is simply that, my responsibility. I am waiving and releasing my legal rights to sue for any injury or damages arising out of or resulting from all such risks. I further understand that these risks may be the result of negligence or carelessness on the part of persons or entities defined above as Released Parties.
4. I FURTHER COVENANT and AGREE NOT TO SUE any of the Released Parties for any of the claims that I have waived, released, or discharged herein. I AGREE TO INDEMNIFY and HOLD HARMLESS the Released Parties from any and all expenses incurred, claims made, or liabilities assessed against them, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses, arising out of or resulting from, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, my breach or failure to abide to any part of the Waiver Agreement, my breach or failure to abide by any of WRWR’s rules, and my actions or inactions which cause injury or damage to any other person.
5. I AGREE to abide by WRWR’s rules as they may be amended from time to time. I FURTHER GRANT WRWR the right, permission, and authority to use my name, picture, or photograph in any broadcast, telecast, commercial advertisement, promotion, or other WRWR need, and I WAIVE any rights to future compensation to which I might otherwise have been entitled for such use.
6. If any court or legal entity deems any provision or portion of this volunteer application null and void, such ruling shall not render an ineffective on any other portion or provision of this agreement.
7. Any person signing below on behalf of a minor under the age of 18 hereby acknowledges that he or she has the legal capacity and authority to act of behalf of the minor and to legally bind the minor to this Waiver Agreement, and that he or she agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Released parties for any expenses incurred, claims made, or liabilities assessed them as a result of any insufficiency of legal capacity or authority to act on behalf of the minor in the execution of the Waiver Agreement.
Volunteer signature date__________________________________________________
Parent or guardian date___________________________________________________
(If under age 18, a parent or guardian must sign here)

Please fill out and return via email to or via USPS at:
Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge
RE: Volunteer Application
499 Bob O Link #3
Lexington, KY 40503







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Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge is a registered 501(c)3  EIN 311557266

Office: Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge, 499 Bob O Link Dr, Lex. KY 40503

Ph. 859-227-8650 text only please

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 Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge is closed to the public for the well being of the animals.

The refuge is located on 15 acres in Jessamine County, KY.



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