To Rescue, Rehabilitate, Release, and Offer Lifelong Sanctuary
Our Mission
Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge is the oldest sanctuary of its kind in Kentucky. With 40 years of experience in saving lives, Wolf Run offers lifelong sanctuary and exemplary care to wild animals in need. Wolf Run rescues animals from the pet trade, entertainment industry, privately owned wildlife, and rehabilitated wildlife that cannot safely be released back into the wild.

Habitats For Happiness
Wildlife Rehabilitation
Unwanted Exotic Pets
on Special Needs Animals
Wildlife Rehabilitation at Wolf Run goes the extra mile! Special needs animals, like this whitetail doe, was born blind. Handicapped animals cannot survive in the wild. They remain at Wolf Run for their lifetimes. Starla has enjoyed 13 years at Wolf Run!

Join Our Pack!
Your donation will help provide quality care to our beloved residents, including fresh and nutritious, specialized feeds, quality veterinary care, innovative enrichment, and the social companionship necessary for them to live long, happy lives.